The Structural Engineers Association of Alabama (SEAoAL) was established in 1998 to pursue the common interests of its Members, including:
- To uphold and preserve the laws of the State of Alabama regarding the practice of Professional Engineering.
- To advance and promote the art and science of Structural Engineering.
- To serve the public, to encourage the pursuit of excellence in our practice, and to maintain the honor and dignity of our profession.
- To advance the technical practice of Structural Engineers through meetings, seminars, and educational programs.
- To improve the professional, business, and administrative practices of structural engineering firms and consultants.
- To educate the public about the practice of Structural Engineering.
- To serve as spokespersons to the public on matters of Structural Engineering.
- To provide a social forum where members can meet one another and share ideas, experience, and knowledge. By closer association and a better mutual understanding, discourage unethical and detrimental practice, and inspirit a resolve to act collectively to benefit our profession.
- To advance proper legislation affecting Structural Engineering practice.
- To encourage excellence in engineering education.
- To develop standards and guidelines to the benefit of the public and the profession.
Since 1998, SEAoAL has been operating under the SEAoAL Bylaws led by our dedicated Board of Directors and Committees. Learn how we utilize our set of core values below.